Sunday, February 13, 2011

Do girls REALLY want flowers and chocolate this Valentine?

You've probably watched a hundred Hollywood as well as Pinoy  movies in which the star, stud actor tries to "woo" the girls by showering her with gifts, flowers, and chocolate... and in most movies, this works.

...but do girls REALLY like this type of stuff?  Especially on Valentine's Day?  Yes and no.

Showing kindness and compassion is often a good thing... and most of the time, girls will
appreciate it.  But does this create sexual attraction?

Well, it depends on WHEN it's being used... and in what context, of course!

Bakit ka nagbigay ng flowers& chocolates? Anu layunin mu? Women can smell your purpose, to win their affection perhaps..Ok this works on Some..but of course..

Attractive women get showered with compliments and gifts from men all around them. Trust me, they do.  
They have men trying to please them all the time... everyday... for as long as they're
physically attractive.

Sure, she may like this, but it's not what she REALLY wants...

What she REALLY wants is a high-valued man to treat her well.

Fact: TRUE high valued men will never try and impress girls with just STUFF.

Yes, attractive women LOVE it when they EARN a man's charity.

So exactly WHEN do you want to give a girl flowers and chocolates?  After you've built the sufficient
amount of attraction, of course!

You need to give her value by telling attractive stories, touching her, spiking her emotions, and
making her WANT to have you -- all possible if you know what you're doing!

Goodluck guys and may you find a sweet dazzling romance with your special someones.. : )

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